How Often Should You Go To Physiotherapy?


  1. Customized Approach: Frequency of physiotherapy sessions varies based on your specific needs, goals, and recovery speed.
  2. Early Intervention: Seek physiotherapy if you experience pain, discomfort, joint stiffness, or increased pain after physical activities.
  3. Session Frequency:
  • Acute Pain: 2-3 sessions/week initially for effective pain management.
  • Chronic Pain: Regular sessions at first, tapering as you gain control.
  • Injury Prevention: Sessions spaced out for monitoring and reducing re-injury risk.
  1. Goal-Oriented: Stop sessions only after achieving your set goals, in consultation with your physiotherapist.
  2. Communication Matters: Talk to your therapist about any challenges or discomfort to tailor your treatment plan for optimal health without premature discontinuation.

Physiotherapy Isn’t “One-Size-Fits-All”

If you’re just kicking off with physiotherapy or have already dipped your toes into a few sessions, it’s natural to have questions floating around. 

And one of the big ones is, “How often should you go to physiotherapy?” We hear this all the time, and it’s a really good question, especially when you’re trying to fit sessions into a busy schedule.

The straightforward truth is that it really depends. Physiotherapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.

For some, a handful of sessions plus exercises to do at home will do the trick. For others, it might mean a steady schedule of visits over a few months. It all boils down to your specific health needs, personal goals, and how fast your body bounces back.

Sticking to your scheduled sessions, keeping in touch with your therapist, and following through with exercises at home will steer your recovery in the right direction, not just patching you up for now but helping you stay on track for the long haul.

But First, When Should You Start Physiotherapy?

If you’re contending with pain or swelling, consider it a sign to consult a physiotherapist.

You see, injuries can disrupt your body’s natural healing processes, leading to inflammation, which may ultimately worsen tissue damage. A physiotherapist’s expertise can help restore your body’s equilibrium.

It’s not solely about injury recovery, either. 

Persistent discomfort, joint stiffness, or a sudden increase in pain following physical activities are indicators that your body requires attention. Difficulty with routine tasks or persistent back, neck, or leg pain are additional reasons to seek a physiotherapist’s assessment.

In essence, if your daily comfort is compromised, it’s time to explore physiotherapy. 

Learn more about the conditions we can help with by calling (905) 553-4814 to speak directly with a physiotherapist in Vaughan.

How Often Should You Book Physiotherapy?

Once your physiotherapist completes their assessment, they will discuss a treatment plan with you. During this discussion, they will outline what next steps should be taken, and how often you should follow up with them. 

While your physiotherapist will have a preference for how often you should attend appointments, they are very flexible. If your therapist outlines a plan for appointments that doesn’t work for you, let them know.

Here’s a breakdown of how often you might need to go based on different needs:

Acute Pain

If you’re experiencing acute pain due to a recent injury, physiotherapists typically recommend more frequent visits to kickstart your recovery. You might need to schedule sessions two to three times a week. This intensive start helps to manage pain effectively and begin the healing process more rapidly.

Chronic Pain

Dealing with chronic pain or muscle weakness? Regular physiotherapy sessions can be a cornerstone of your management plan. Initially, you may need to attend sessions as often as your therapist suggests to gain control over the pain and start building muscle strength. You might need to schedule one or two sessions per week.

Over time, as you learn exercises and techniques to manage pain at home, the frequency of in-clinic visits might decrease.

Preventing Injury

If your goal is injury prevention or you’re in the recovery phase post-surgery or injury, the frequency of visits may not be as high. Visits could be spaced out for maintenance and to ensure your body stays strong and injury-proof—perhaps once every month or two. This schedule allows for monitoring and adjusting your exercise regimen while minimizing re-injury risk.

Throughout your treatment, expect the frequency of physiotherapy visits to taper off as you gain independence, strength, and knowledge. The ultimate aim is to provide the tools and strategies to maintain your well-being independently, with occasional check-ins for expert guidance and support.

When To Stop Your Sessions? 

It’s pretty simple: once you’ve met the goals you set with your therapist. But remember, this decision isn’t a solo mission. It requires a team huddle with your physiotherapist.

But before you think about cutting your sessions short, there are a couple of crucial points to ponder:

The Risk of Re-injury

Stopping your therapy prematurely might set you up for a rerun of the injury that landed you in therapy to begin with. 

For instance, you’ve got a back injury, and your physiotherapist maps out an eight-week healing journey. But you’re feeling better by week five and decide to stop. Then, out of the blue, your back gives out again. 

It’s like hitting a reset button on your progress. This is a common tale—patients leave the therapy track too soon and often circle back to the starting line, sometimes with additional injuries.

The Importance of Consistency

Physical therapy isn’t a sprint; it’s more like training for a marathon. You wouldn’t run a few laps and expect to conquer a marathon, right? 

Therapy is about the long game—you must show up, do the exercises, and keep at it. It’s the steady effort that leads to lasting results. Soft tissue injuries typically take 6-8 weeks to heal. Other conditions might require even more patience and persistence.

You’re Not On This Journey By Yourself

If you are itching to call it quits or skip sessions, chat with your therapist. At the Centre For Health & Performance, our therapists are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired performance. So, discuss what’s holding you back—discomfort, scheduling conflicts, or something else entirely. 

Together, we can troubleshoot the hurdles and tailor your treatment plan, ensuring you stay on track toward optimal health without any premature pit stops.

Learn more about our physiotherapy or book a session here!


  1. Johnson JK, Rothberg MB, Adams K, Lapin B, Keeney T, Stilphen M, Bethoux F, Freburger JK. Association of Physical Therapy Treatment Frequency in the Acute Care Hospital With Improving Functional Status and Discharging Home. Med Care. 2022 Jun 1;60(6):444-452. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001708. Epub 2022 Mar 16. PMID: 35293885; PMCID: PMC9106906.

  2. Şahin N, Karahan AY, Albayrak İ. Effectiveness of physical therapy and exercise on pain and functional status in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized-controlled trial. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Aug 9;64(1):52-58. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2018.1238. PMID: 31453489; PMCID: PMC6709610.

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